Chesang's Celebrity Showdown: Huddah, Vera, or Pritty Vishy?"

• The Trans Nzoia senator revealed his choice during an interview with Dr. Ofweneke.

Allan Chesang
Image: Instagram

Trans Nzoia County Senator Allan Chesang is a football enthusiast who is dedicated to mentoring and supporting local talent in his county.

He is frequently seen interacting with young Kenyans and even celebrities, earning him admiration from all corners.

During an interview with Dr. Ofweneke on TV47, Chesang shared intriguing details about his life, including a memorable encounter with Huddah Monroe.

When Ofweneke asked him which Kenyan celebrity he would prefer to be stranded with on an island, he gave the Senator three options: Vera Sidika, Huddah Monroe, and Pritty Vishy.

In response to the question, "If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have three items with you, what would they be?" the youthful Senator replied, "Water, a Bible, and a phone to communicate for help."

Ofweneke then added another question, asking, "If you were stranded in the desert with three ladies—Huddah, Vera, and Pritty Vishy—who would you have a conversation with?" The Senator smiled at Ofweneke before answering, "Huddah."

Explaining his choice, Chesang said, "I'm just saying she's real. You know, I've had a chance to interact with her, and apart from what she does or whatever she does, she's real. She's hardworking and not someone who judges others."

Senator Chesang recently celebrated his birthday on August 24th.

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