Risper Faith gets Brazilian butt lift (BBL)

• In June Risper announced on social media that she was getting the cosmetic procedure

Risper Faith
Risper Faith

On Friday night, Risper Faith revealed that she had gotten a BBL. This happened at the launch of a new reality show dubbed 'Nai Rich' where she stars.

Asked by the MC why she sat using a 'special cushon' Faith said she was still in the healing process. 

A BBL(Brazilian Butt Lift) is a surgery that involves removing fat on other parts of your body to your buttocks. The result is more of an hourglass-shaped figure with increased volume.

Risper Faith
Risper Faith

In June Risper announced on social media that she was getting the cosmetic procedure;

"Anyway the doctor has cleared me for another surgery na nataka kufanya fat transfer. Nitransfer kwa ma hips ama nijaze huku nyuma kwa vitako."

"In three months bodyby design will fix me mtashangaa,"she said

In a past interview with Mpasho, Risper said she was also considering doing a boob job. She said she would do the procedure with socialite Amberay.

"Lazima zisimame. Zimelala. After September, I am allowed to do any surgery I want. We are doing together, big secret -Amber Ray- We are doing at the same place, twin bo0bies."

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