How Elsa Majimbo escaped a toxic relationship

• Elsa Majimbo has narrated how she escaped a toxic relationship this year

Elsa Majimbo
Image: Instagram

Comedienne. model and content creator Elsa Majimbo has narrated how she escaped a toxic relationship this year.

In a TikTok video, Majimbo said at the start of the year, she was dating an Armenian guy.

"We would have so much fun together, when I was dating him, I felt like the rest of the world didn't exist. we have such a good time together," she said

She added "But we would fight so much. Me and this man were always fighting. At some point we decided that this isn't healthy."

They stopped seeing each other but could not stop staying away from each other 'So we decided to keep seeing each other but on a causal note."

"We both knew we weren't gonna get married to each other."

He described him as a gentleman "He always took me out for sushi. Cause I love Sushi"

She said at one time, she took him for a fashion party she had been invited , she liked several things at the fashion event that he agreed to buy for her. Later, Majimbo wanted to go home and sleep but he questioned "He was like 'oh want do you mean you are going home, I just bought you all those clothes."

"It became a full blown argument.The next day he texted and we started arguing again and she realized it was not healthy at all. She blocked him."

Fast forward to two months ago, she saw him and demanded that she unblocks him which she did not. Majimbo has advised her fans to stay away from such people.

"Be careful with intoxicating relationships."

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