Zabron singers release tribute for late group member

• The song 'Imeniuma Sana' has already garnered thousands of views since its release

Marco Joseph
Marco Joseph

Zabron singers have released a tribute song to their late member Marco Joseph. Marco was a member of the Tanzanian gospel music group who died on the 21st August 2024.

The song 'Imeniuma Sana' has already garnered thousands of views since its release. In a statement, the group explained that it wrote the song after the death of Mr Marco.

"Wimbo huu maalumu uliandaliwa na kuimbwa siku ya msiba baada ya kifo cha mwanakwaya mwenzetu Ndugu Marco Joseph Bukuru ambae alikuwa ni Mwenyekiti,mwimbishaji na Mwalimu msaidizi kwenye Zabron Singers. Kwa mavumbi tuliumbwa,mavumbini tutarudi."

(This special song was prepared and sung on the day of tragedy after the death of our fellow choir member Brother Marco Joseph Bukuru who was the Chairman, singer and assistant teacher at Zabron Singers. From dust we were created, to dust we will return)

Marco died while receiving treatment for heart disease at Muhimbili Hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He was laid to rest in his hometown of Kahama, Shinyanga last weekend.

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