Massage by Steve- I am not gay

• Steve says he dates women.

• He once admitted to losing a girlfriend to another woman.

Massage by Steve.

Kenyan content creator Masseuse Steve has denied allegations he is gay.

In an interview on Kameme FM, he shared

' I am not gay.

People assume I am because of my earrings.

I want to tell parents that wearing earrings and plaiting hair as a man does not make you gay.

 I do not judge homosexuals, they are people with families, wives and kids.

I just want to tell people that gay people are people next to you.

They are people who dress up in suits and who are well respected in the society

They know you would say peope who pierce ears, polish nails and plait hair are gay so they changed tactics.."

In the past, Steve admitted to losing his girlfriend to another woman.

According to him, a woman with more 'vibe' spoke to his girlfriend and convinced her to leave him—something he never imagined would happen to him.

Despite all the love and affection he had shown his girlfriend, she still chose another woman over him.

He also added that he was "simping" badly, especially after moving to Nairobi.

"In my new days in Nairobi, I was a big simp... I bought a small plastic chair to sit outside the house to look for a network so I could chat with this girl... but to no avail," Leksharaa said.

He added;

"Eiii, I saw dust badly... I sit down and ask myself many questions...."

Leksharaa continues to gather a large following with his controversial content that many people seem to relate to.

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