Elsa Majimbo reveals what makes someone a loser

• Majimbo has named three things that according to her would make someone a loser

Digital content creator Elsa Majimbo

Comedian and content creator Elsa Majimbo recently shared her thoughts on what she considers signs of a "loser." According to Majimbo, there are three key behaviors that stand out:

Bullying: Majimbo firmly believes that bullies are losers. “I think bullies are losers,” she stated. “If you’re a bully, you’re straight up a loser.

It shows you’re an unloved, attention-seeking person. I can’t stand bullies, especially those who target people they know can’t fight back. You’re just weak.”

Excessive Drinking: Majimbo also criticized people who drink excessively. “Party once in a while, but not every night. If you’re drinking every night, you’ve got a problem.

That’s not normal. You need to get back to reality. Drinking every night is not a flex, and neither is partying non-stop. Take control of your life.”

Drug Use: Lastly, she spoke out against drug use, calling it a destructive force. “There’s nothing cool about drugs.

They ruin your life, make you look a mess, and strip you of all your senses. You just end up being a mess. Drugs are definitely not cool.”

Majimbo, known for her outspoken presence on social media, has been candid about various issues that people might hesitate to discuss openly.

Recently, she also commented on financial status, advising that “money talks, wealth whispers,” and that “broke people should shut up.”

Quoting Nicki Minaj, she added, “Broke people should never laugh. You have way more to worry about.”

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