10 signs you are the problem in the relationship

• Most people would rather blame others than take the blame themselves.

Motivational speaker Sm West

When most relationships break, we always blame the other  person.

But the truth is sometimes we are the one's to blame.

Below are 10 signs you might be the problem, according to Sam West

1. You are hot tempered.

2. You are overly dependent on your partner.

3. You are always jealous.

4. Always looking at your partner's faults.

5. You ignore calls and never make any effort to call back the person.

6. You are rude and harsh.

7.- You are abusive, controlling and very manipulative.

8. You refuse to apologize when on the wrong.

9. You deprive your partner of sex (married couples).

10. You refuse to seek help from a mentor, counselor etc

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