7 Signs a man wants to wife you

• It is not automatic that if he does all these things he will marry you.

• Some people do not like committing by marrying.

Wedding rings
Image: Alejandro Avila

Ever been in a relationship but you are not sure if it will lead to marriage?

Sometimes we end up disappointed when things do not go the way we want.

One might be tempted to tell the heart' Wacha kiherehere sukuma damu'. but the truth is we all want to find a happily ever after.

According to Motivational speaker Sam West, here are signs to look out for in identifying your man is ready to marry you.

1. He walks with you even in difficult situations.

2. You are always his plus one.

3. He is vulnerable with you.

4. All his friends are married.

5. He doesn't compare you to other people.

6. He loses interest in other women.

7. He introduces his family to you and vice versa.

8. He includes you in his future plans.


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