It was unbearable!! Wahu shares experience after losing two pregnancies

• Wahu said seeing women pregnant with their third child would trigger her.

• She and Nameless have three girls.

Nameless with his wife and kids

Celebrated Kenyan singer Wahu has shared her experience after suffering from two miscarriages.

Wahu said the miscarriages happened at a time when she and her singer husband Nameless were in dire need of a 3rd child.

Luckily for them, the stars shone on them and they are now parents to three beautiful girls, the latest member being Shiru alias Shishi.

Through her socials she shared

"I had 2 miscarriages in the last couple of years after really trying to get pregnant, Lemmie tell you.....the pain. It was unbearable. So much heartache. Doctors had told me I could still try again maybe explore IVF and other alternatives but it was not a guarantee that the pregnancy would 'hold'. I couldn't bear the thought of trying again and then losing yet another pregnancy. So as much as I still wanted a 3rd child. I gave up trying and said if God wanted to give me a baby he would.1 year went by 2, 3.... nothing."

Wahu added even after getting pregnant she still couldn't immediately fathom she would be a mum of three.

"Towards the end of 2021, I remember thinking give up the dream. but anytime I saw a lady pregnant with her 3rd child (not 1st,2nd, or 4th...) just third it was such a trigger for me. But I couldn't continue feeling like this so in January 2022 one night around midnight I decided to exchange the pain for gratitude. I thanked God for the 2 children he had blessed me with, as I let go in Gratitude for what God had already blessed me with."

She further advised people to embrace counseling

"One evening Feb I posted this (If you are waiting on God for a child may he hear you. Amen) on my FB. I was anxious during my entire pregnancy with Shi. I was extremely excited yet worried that something would happen...I couldn't believe that God had just decided to hook me up just like that. Is this what they call imposter syndrome? And why was I anxious about publicly announcing, What if I did? and something happened?"

In conclusion, Wahu shared that despite coming 'early' her daughter was healthy.

"With the benefit in hindsight, I should have gone for counseling and I strongly advise anyone who's ever suffered a child loss to see a counselor. 3rd October after approximately 36 weeks, My Shishi came into the world katiny baby 2.4 kgs but healthy and strong."

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