Shakib Cham finally speaks about his interesting academic journey

• The Ugandan is well known for his relationship with Zari Hassan whom he married back in 2023.

Shakib Cham
Image: Instagram

For the first time, a socialite Zari Hassan, Shakib Cham Lutaaya has talked about his early life before he came to fame, thanks to his relationship with the socialite.

Shakib, who is often not very talkative, recently took the initiative to open a YouTube channel called 'Shakib and Zari' - a platform that he said he will be using to explain to his fans various issues that they don't know about him but also a gallery to put his photos and videos.

In last weekend's episode, Shakib was able to talk about his educational level and why he is so secretive about his life.

Shakib admitted that academically he could not go very far, saying that he went through several schools before ending his academic journey.

"I grew up in Kawempe [a slum on the outskirts of Kampala] and when I reached puberty I left and went somewhere else.

At that time I went to visit some schools that I would not like to mention by name. I have my own reasons why I don't want to mention those schools, but some of them are in Kawempe, and some are in Gayaza..."

“I could not finish university education; To be honest, I couldn't go very far when it comes to academics, but I got there. I got to a point where I can say that if I wanted to enter politics and run for a parliamentary position, I can," he said with metaphors.

However, he defended himself and said that by saying that he does not mean that he would like to venture into politics but it is one way of explaining that at least he reached a place academically.

Regarding the area where he comes from, Shakib said that in politics the only person he knows is Bobi Wine, and he does not know anyone else including the member of parliament of his state where he comes from.

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