Four ways people behave when they get caught cheating- Sam West


•According to Sam West people who get caught cheating sometimes manipulate their partners into being forgiven.

Couple Cheating

In the past, we have seen partners exposing each other after they discover their spouses are cheating.

We have also seen couples forgive each other despite continuously catching their partners cheating.

According to Sam West people who get caught cheating sometimes manipulate their partners into being forgiven.

Below are four ways cheaters react when get caught.


This happens even when you have tabled evidence and the person still refuses to take will and outrightly deny it.

Such people want to make you feel like you are losing your mind.

Anger and aggression

They try to change the subject and try to move things out of proportion.

This is manipulation, as the person wants to make you feel responsible for their cheating.

If your partner cheated and behaves aggressively to be caught, dump them ASAP.

Emotional outbursts

This can be randomly getting angry, crying, smashing stuff, stalking among other stuff.

Some outbursts can be lethal as the cheater can end up being violent.


They(cheaters) know what they have been doing.

They refuse to sit down and discuss issues when they arise.

All of a sudden they become busy.

The truth of the matter is cheating is a choice and you are not to blame for what someone decides to do.

Have you ever caught your partner cheating? Did they take responsibility?

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