Sam West sends a message to politicians who voted YES in the Finance Bill 2024


• They misrepresented us and that means there is a very big disconnect between the people and the government

Motivational speaker Sm West

Kenyan businessman and motivational speaker Sam West now says leaders who voted YES on the Finance Bill 2024, failed the people.

According to Sam, such a move was proof of the failed leadership we have as a country in some parts of the country.

Speaking exclusively to Mpasho , he shared.

"Leaders who voted YES on the Finance Bill 2024 betrayed their people, the same people they claim to represent.

They misrepresented us and that means there is a very big disconnect between the people and the government. It shows a failed leadership."

Further adding

"Unfortunately, it's too late they never listened to the people.

When you represent the President instead of the people who voted you in, that is failed leadership."

Sam West
Image: Instagram

William Ruto on Wednesday, 26th June 2024 said he will withdraw a finance bill containing controversial tax hikes after deadly protests which saw parliament set ablaze on Tuesday.

In an address to the nation, he said it was clear that Kenyans "want nothing" to do with the bill.

"I concede," he said, adding that he would not sign the bill into law.

Ruto said he would now enter into dialogue with the young people, who were at the forefront of the biggest protests to hit the country since he was elected in 2022.

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