It's too late to apologize for the deaths of Finance Bill 2024 demonstrators - Sam West


• The demos saw thousands of young Kenyans famously known as Gen Z take to the streets to fight for their rights

Sam West

Kenya has been experiencing demonstrations this past few days thanks to the Finance Bill 2024.

The demos saw thousands of young Kenyans famously known as Gen Z take to the streets to fight for their rights.

Motivational speaker and pastor Sam West now says the deaths could have been avoided.

Speaking exclusively to Mpasho he shared;

"The killings are very sad and regrettable. This is an expression of poor and failed leadership," he said. 

From the word go the leaders knew any time people go into protests such things are bound to happen.

Their arrogance, corruption, and not wanting to listen to the people is what caused these killings and it's very sad."

In conclusion, Sam added

"It's too late to apologize after what happened."

They could have averted the deaths from the word go."

Image: mpasho

Among the first few people to die in the Finance Bill 2024 demos was Evans Kiratu.

Kiratu was allegedly struck by a tear gas canister in his groin during the protests and passed away on Friday, June 21.

Kiratu was taken to Kenyatta National Hospital by a group of well-wishers, where he was treated for severe injuries and internal bleeding.

 Rex Kanyike Masai was also shot dead during the Thursday anti-Finance Bill, 2024 protests.

Rex was allegedly shot and killed by police during the protests in Nairobi at about 7 pm along Moi Avenue.

At least 13 people have so far been killed in Nairobi while many others are nursing gun injuries in different hospitals.

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