Heartbreak of mother after identifying sons' body at the mortuary after protests

• Kenyans are mourning the death of those who lost their lives in anti tax demos

Heartbreak of mother after identifying sons' body amid protests

The sad moment when a mother positively identified her dead son, who was killed in the Anti-tax protests has moved netizens.

The video from Tiktok user @theattestantm shows a devastated and grieving mother overwhelmed by emotion.

The mother dressed in blue jeans, a pink long-sleeved shirt and sweater, sits helplessly on the ground near the entrance of City mortuary.

Several men next to her try to comfort her, but she rolls over and screams.

"Woi ngai mwathani jeso mtoto wangu ameisha,  ngai.woi ngai nampenda, wacha nikamwabie kwa heri" She gathers herself standing.

"wacha nikamwambie kwaheri " as a man tells her severally he is sorry for her pain and loss.

"Woi mtoto wangu kweli sitamuona tena, "

Elsewhere, Kenyans of goodwill have so far raised over Sh24 million towards supporting victims of police brutality during the deadly anti-Finance Bill 2024.

The donations are being contributed via M changa, surpassing a set target of sh10m.

If you want to support here are the details: PayBill: 891300 and Account: INJURED or via USSD *483*57*100386#.

The first recorded victims of the anti tax protests were Rex Masai, 29 and Evans Kiratu, 21. Their families have received sh1million each from the fund. 

Rex was fatally shot on June 20 in Nairobi CBD around 730PM. Evans died the following day, succumbing to his injuries from a teargas that was lobbed on his groin. He died while receiving treatment in a Nairobi hospital.

Another young Kenyan named Ian, who was shot 3 times on his back will receive a similar amount.

Human rights groups have issued public statements calling for justice while providing information that alleges that most injuries are from gunshot wounds.

A five year old boy was  shot dead in Ongata Rongai on Thursday evening.

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