Tom Daktari nursing injuries after his car was heavily stoned by goons

• The content creator kindly asked Kenyans to not turn on each other after narrowly escaping being stoned by goons after yesterday's protests

Tom Daktari nursing injuries after his car was heavily stoned by goons
Image: courtesy

Digital content creator and creative writer Tom Daktari  is currently nursing wounds after he had a run in with goons while leaving Nairobi CBD yesterday.

This is after he had taken part in the Reject Finance Bill protests that rocked the whole Country.

Sharing a video, the hilarious TikTok star and brand influencer showcased himself receiving first aid as he got his arm bandaged.

In the video, he also showed the intensity of how awfully his car had gotten stoned while he tried scampering for safety.

"I was not lucky enough to arrive back home safely, I was met by goons who heavily stoned my car. Guys let us not change the focus, the fight is against the finance bill not against each other," started off Tom as his broken windows and some stones that were still lying in his vehicle.

He went on to encourage citizens to maintain peace and be their brothers keepers as at the end of the day we need all the numbers possible marching with us in the streets and that could not be attained if we started turning on each other.

"It is bad when we hurt one another because if you hurt me today now come tomorrow whom will you go to the protests with? Who will accompany you to the fight? Look at the stones they hauled at me, look at how terribly my car was vandalized. Now what has the car done to you?

You just chose to throw stones because a car was passing by, when we are peaceful it will be better," Tom candidly advised as he noted he held no resentment and was just glad to have gotten out safely.

"Now you see, personally you've hurt me and I didn't mean you any harm. All in all, it is okay. I'm slowly nursing my injuries and I will be okay," the TikTok star said as the video came to an end.

Some of the netizens reacting to his post advised him not to join protests in such a attention commanding vehicle again as it is easy to get mistaken for a politician as they're the ones known to occasionally travel in such.

Most offered their apologies as they rejoiced for his safety and well-being.

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