Bobi Wines message to Kenyans

• Many other international celebrities have also shown their support for the Kenyan youth, sharing posters of demonstrations and other banners. 

Ugandan politician Bobi Wine has penned an encouraging note to Kenyans amid the peaceful protests going on against the Finance Bill 2024.

This week, various activities are being held simultaneously across the country as Kenyans display their opposition to the controversial bill.

Mr. Wine urged Kenyans to fiercely protect their freedoms, saying, "Power to you, young people of Kenya. You are speaking, and your voices are being heard far beyond the Kenyan border. We hope your leaders too are listening! We continue to stand in solidarity with you," he concluded with a fist symbol.

Many other international celebrities have also shown their support for the Kenyan youth, sharing posters of demonstrations and other banners.

This has endeared them to the youth. More Kenyan celebrities are also being called upon to make their stand known. Eddie Butita, a content creator, has been heavily criticised for remaining silent.

This past weekend, he succumbed to pressure and issued a statement voicing support for the protests.

"Recently, I have faced criticism for not publicly stating my position on the Finance Bill 2024. I want to address the issue directly and share the state of affairs surrounding my recent actions," Butita said.

He added, "I understand the frustration and disconnect many feel with the current system. It is clear that we need a proper structure to ensure our voices are heard and represented effectively. Often, our leaders lose touch with those they represent. The results are what is happening currently."

"Over the years, I have shied away from making political stands, but I agree this is not a political moment. With my status, my silence is not warranted," he concluded.

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