Popular Influencer Crazy Nairobian finally freed from police custody

• On his part, Billy said; “I’m safe, thanks everyone. Thanks LSK for the rescue. I’m fine guys, we thank God,”.

LSK President Faith Odhiambo and Billy Simani aka Crazy Nairobian
Image: courtesy

Popular Influencer Billy Simani, popularly known as Crazy Nairobian is finally free after hours in police custody.

Simani was released on Saturday night after the Law Society of Kenya and thousands of Kenyans called for his immediate release.

“I want to confirm that we have been able to rescue Billy, I know we got a notification earlier and as LSK we had thought that Billy had been Freed but when we sent someone to the station we found out that Billy was not there and had not been released.

The moment we got a tip off we ran very fast to try and find him,” LSK President Faith Odhiambo said in a video where she is seeing standing next to Billy.

On his part, Billy said; “I’m safe, thanks everyone. Thanks LSK for the rescue. I’m fine guys, we thank God,”.

In a separate statement LSK President Faith Odhiambo, also demanded that Florence Atieno 'atis pesa' be released.

The LSK condemned the endangerment of the lives of peaceful protesters through disproportionate use of force, saying the same is not merely unethical and distasteful, it is illegal and unconstitutional.

"The inability and refusal to adhere to their mandate can no longer be condoned, and it is detestable that extra judicial killings, arbitrary conduct, and use of excessive force remain the modus operandi of sections of our police," the LSK said.

"We will not watch quietly as impunity becomes a growing monster in our nation. We will hold police accountable for their actions."

Crazy Nairobian was allegedly arrested on Friday and his whereabouts remained unknown until the time he was released,

Earlier, Digital strategist Dennis Itumbi claimed Crazy Nairobian allegedly sent threatening messages occasioning the arrest.

"I have checked with police why Crazy Nairobian, Billy, is under arrest. I understand he sent threatening messages," Itumbi claimed in a post on X account. 

Itumbi said he was unable to intervene, "though I strongly disagree

"I will reach out to the complainant to see if he/she can withdraw," he added.

Kenyans on X have been on an X Space airing their grievances and demanding to know Billy's whereabouts for the better part of the day.

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