How Fred Omondi's Night Vigil went down & celebrities present [Videos]

• Namwamba was invited on stage to address those present at Omondi’s last laugh by Mwalimu Churchill but the crowd wanted nothing to do with his speech.

How Fred Omondi's Night Vigil went down & celebrities present
Image: courtesy

On Friday, June 21, 2024, Kenyans from all walks of life converged at Carnivore grounds for Fred Omondi’s Last Laugh put together by the Laugh Industry and Mwalimu Churchill.

The night vigil was a sold-out affair as Kenyans showed up in large numbers to pay their last respects to Fred Omondi.

A series of comedians entertained those present at the venue as they remembered of the good times they shared with the late Fred Omondi.

The MCs for the night were MP Jalang’o, Terence Creative, Big Ted, and Churchill himself.

Other celebrities and key personalities who were present at the venue were; Former PM Raila Odinga, Winnie Odinga, CS Ababu Namwamba, Vera Sidika, Amber Ray, Kennedy Rapudo, McDonald Mariga, Bahati, Diana Marua, Justina Syokau, Gor Semelango, KRG the Don, Simon Kabu, among others.

From the comedy industry, we had the likes of; Eric Omondi, Tom Daktari, Mulamwah, GK Serkal, Oga Obinna, MC Jessy, MCA Tricky, Wololo, Useful Idioty, Sammyro, YY Comeedian DJ Shiti, Adhis Jojo, Dr Ofweneke among others.

According to the organizers of the Night Vigil, all the money raised from the event will go towards giving Fred Omondi a decent sendoff as well as helping Eric Omondi and his family.

At the event, CS Namwamba had difficulty addressing Kenyans who had turned up in large numbers to pay tribute to the late Fred Omondi.

Namwamba was invited on stage to address those present at Omondi’s last laugh by Mwalimu Churchill but the crowd wanted nothing to do with his speech.

He tried to speak but the booing was too much to the extent that you could barely hear a word from him.

He went on with his speech amidst the noise, stating that he will not be silenced because we live in a democratic country that encourages Freedom of speech.

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