Struggles Adekunle Gold faced growing up with sickle cell anemia

• The artist revealed he got the inspiration and courage to fully speak about his illness when working on a song.

Adekunle Gold in Kiss studios
Nigerian star Adekunle Gold in Kiss studios
Image: Kiss FM

Nigerian multi-award-winning artist and entrepreneur Adekunle Gold is letting the world in on small snippets of how it was growing up with sickle cell anemia as well as when he finally found the voice to speak out about his illness.

Speaking during an interview with seasoned CNN reporter Larry Madowo during a segment of African Voices, the father of one recalled being barred from so many fun activities as a young boy due to his weak immunity which made him feel different.

"I have always known that I had sickle cell, I knew since I was a child that I couldn't do certain things. I was told 'You have sickle cell so you can't play in the rain like your peers.' I had crises every time when I was a child and was in the hospital back to back," the 36-year-old singer candidly divulged.

He went on to narrate how he got the inspiration and courage to fully speak about his illness and lend his voice to the advocacy of people who shared in his struggles with the ailment when working on a song.

"When I was writing the song '5 Star' I was reflecting on my life and how I'm a miracle. There was a line that said, 'Sickle cell showed me Crises.' It was really a tough time for me so I just thought why don't I just lend my voice? People are dying, people are going through it," Adekunle told Larry.

The song, which was released a year ago currently has over 3.2 million views and over 37k likes on YouTube. Adekunle also has a remix of the same song with American rapper and business mogul Rick Ross.

3 months ago while performing in a concert, the artist took time off to give a massive shout-out to people battling the life-threatening condition.

"Our sickle cell survivors, our warriors that are currently going through it. If I can do it, you can do it.

I was born with sickle cell, I grew up with sickle cell, and all my life I fought with it," the 'Mercy' crooner energetically stated.

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