Fred Omondi's funeral details revealed

• According to police reports, Fred died at around 6 am when the bodaboda he was riding in collided head-on with a speeding bus. 

The late Fred Omondi
Image: Instagram

Comedian Fred Omondi passed away on the morning of Saturday, June 15th. Fred was the brother of comedian and activist Eric Omondi, Irene, and the late Joseph Omondi.

According to police reports, the accident occurred around 6 am when the bodaboda Fred was riding collided head-on with a speeding bus.

The bus was traveling from Kayole to Nairobi CBD, while the bodaboda, which was on the wrong side of the road, was heading in the opposite direction.

The collision was fatal, and Fred Omondi died instantly at the scene.

On Saturday, his body was transferred from Mama Lucy Hospital to Chiromo Mortuary, where an autopsy is scheduled to be performed on Monday, June 17th.

A memorial service will be held on Friday, June 21st, at Citam Valley Road. Following the service, his body will be airlifted to Bondo, Siaya County, where he will be laid to rest on Saturday, June 22nd.

Fred Omondi is survived by his daughter.

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