Edday Nderitu's message after reuniting with Samidoh for the daughter’s huge millstone

• We love you more than words can express and are excited to see the incredible things you’ll achieve - Edday

•  Edday reunited with the father of her kids Samidoh for the special occasion

Samidoh, Edday Nderitu and their daughter
Image: courtesy

Businesswoman Edday Nderitu has penned a congratulatory message to her daughter following her grade 8 graduation in the US.

Edday reunited with the father of her kids Samidoh for the special occasion and she could not keep calm about the whole event.

“Huge congratulations to our amazing daughter on your grade 8 graduation!

“We’re beyond proud of your hard work, dedication, and perseverance. You’ve grown into a talented, kind, and bright young individual, and we couldn’t be more grateful to be your parents,” Eddy shared.

She went on to wish their daughter all the best as she moves on to the next chapter of her life.

“As you move forward to the next chapter of your journey, remember that learning is a lifelong adventure. Embrace new experiences, chase your dreams, and always believe in yourself.

“We love you more than words can express and are excited to see the incredible things you’ll achieve. Keep shining your light! HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL ❤️.” She added.

In a separate post, Samidoh also penned a sweet message to his daughter confession he is super proud of her new milestone.

“My daughter, child of my youth, you were born shortly after I exited my teenage years. It was a very confusing time for me. I didn’t know whether to go back to school, to feed you, or to fend for myself. Ours has been a journey in which we have seen each other grow."

The beaming dad congratulated Shirleen on her milestone, with pictures of the family posing for photos with the graduand.

"Today, I am very proud of you. As I see you graduate from high school – this! I wouldn’t have missed it for anything in the world. My girl, I wish you greatness. Go and conquer because the world is all yours. Congratulations!! As you turn a year older, I wish you a Happy Birthday. Thank you for making Daddy proud."

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