Ailing comedian Senje's endometriosis surgery in limbo

• In the past, the entertainer has passionately spoken about about the pain and paralysis she gets on the right side of her body every month during her menses after disclosing her setback.

comedian senje
comedian senje

Comedian Sylvia Savai aka Senje may not be able to undergo the lifesaving surgery for endometriosis. She has been denied a US visa to travel for her surgery expected on the 17th of June.

She revealed the details in a heartbreaking message appealing for help.

"Anyone able to help out with the visa or the embassy...My body can't handle this pain any longer...@usembassynairobi," she appealed on her socials.

"So I have a week left Unfortunately the day that we lost Jahmby Koikai,  the next morning is the day I was scheduled for the interview. So I went there put on a brave face, and answered the questions correctly.

So the lady went like what's your purpose of travelling and I said I'm scheduled for surgery and she asked why can't you get treatment here, I said I've already had another surgery done here and treatment but my condition worsened over the years so the doctors referred me to Atlanta."

She was handed a pink paper with her passport,

"She asked for the documents I gave her both letters from Atlanta and the doctor here and she didn't even read through the letters. She said as serious as your case looks you are not eligible to get the Visa."

The same was relayed by Eddie Butita, who appeared on NTV's The Trend with Larry Madowo to honour the late Jahmby Koikai on Friday, June 7.

"She was supposed to have a surgery on June 17 in the same hospital in Atlanta. But she got denied Visa because she can't get that treatment locally here."

The Hospital in Atlanta is called the Centre for Endocare, where Jahmby regularly sought treatment. 

In the past, the entertainer has passionately spoken about about the pain and paralysis she gets on the right side of her body every month during her menses after disclosing her setback.

This had caused some of her organs to fail and she had to undergo two surgeries.

"I'm a very bubbly person but I can assure you, I'm sad most of the times, the teachers that comes with endometriosis, the migraine, hemorrhoids, loss of appetite, sleeping is a problem because the body is already uncomfortable....

Mood swings, you name it...It's tiresome, it's hectic and it's painful. It's such a sad situation to be in...God knows how hard I'm fighting to get out of this situation. The weird-looking thing beneath my belly button is a scar from a surgery I had years back. unfortunately, my condition worsened over the years..."

Senje currently has a GoFundMe that has a Sh12 million target.

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