Jalang'o to Karen Nyamu - Top celebrities who graced launch of The Bahati's Empire [Photos]

• The two politicians joined DP Rigathi Gachagua for the reality tv launch June 6

bahati reality tv shwo launch ahead of netflix premier
bahati reality tv shwo launch ahead of netflix premier

Langata Mp Phelix Odiwour aka Jalango joined the Bahati family for the launch of their new Netflix reality show on Thursday, June 6.

The launch of the show was held in a Nairobi hotel, ahead of the premiere on Netflix on June 7.

The politician wore a white jacket, black shirt and maroon bow tie to the shows launch.

Alongside the legislator was nominated Senator Karen Nyamu, who stunned in a red jumpsuit for the occasion.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua was the Chief Guest.

DP Gachagua advised celebrities about keeping family values in mind when creating content.

"As much as you want to entertain us, be mindful of our young children and come up with scripts, that dont corrupt the values of our young children," DP said.

He noted the strides the creative industry has made and reiterated the Government's support for entertainers.

"Congratulations Diana and Bahati for this remarkable first fete. You two have broken unpenetrated borders,"

Among the guests the DP recognized was singer Prezzo who was delighted when he heard the politician announce that he listens to his music.

Top celebrities who graced The Launch of The Bahati’s Empire

DP Rigathi Gachagua Chief Guest

MP Phelix Odiuwor aka Jalang’o

KFCB CEO Timothy Owase

Senator Karen Nyamu

Terence Creative

Nick Mutuma

Stevo Simple Boy

Jackie Matubia

DJ Pierra Makena


Dufla Diligon

DJ Fatxo

DJ Kris Darlin

Young Wallace

Betty Kyallo


Brown Mauzo

Dr Ofweneke

Amina Abdi

Eddie Butita

Jacky Vike

Nadia Mukami

Mr Seed

Nimo Gachuiri

Minnie Kariuki

Milly Chebby

Nick Bigfish

KRG the Don

J Blessing


Mwalimu Rachel

Risper Faith

Phoina Tosha

Sammy Boy


Alex Mwakideu

Chris The Bass




bahati empire reality tv launch june 6
bahati empire reality tv launch june 6
DP Gachagua, Stevo Simple Boy and Jalango attend Bahati Empire tv show launch june 6
DP Gachagua, Stevo Simple Boy and Jalango attend Bahati Empire tv show launch june 6
Jalango addresses guesta at Bahati tv show launch june 6
Jalango addresses guesta at Bahati tv show launch june 6
Karen Nyamu
Karen Nyamu with Riggy G
The Bahatis with Riggy
Jacky Vike and Chipukezeey
DP Rigathi Gachagua
Stevo Simple Boy

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