DP Gachagua honors late Njambi Koikai at The Bahati's Empire Show launch

• The Deputy President asked guests to honor the late Njambi 

Karen Nyamu, Diana B, DP Rigathi Gachagua, Bahati Jalang'o and the late Jahmby

The late Njambi Koikai was honored in a special way on Thursday, June 6 at the launch of the Bahati Empire reality TV show.

The request for Kenyans to observe a minute of silence following her death was made by DP Rigathi Gachagua, who was the Chief Guest at the launch.

Moments after being invited onto the stage to address the audience, Mr Gachagua asked guests to rise and observe a minute of silence.

"Glad to be here this evening and I have really enjoyed myself, I hope there will be some more dancing after this. But before I do, I do follow what goes on in the creative world, let me request all of you to stand up and observe a minute of silence in honor of Njambi Koikai, artiste and DJ who passed on two days ago," Gachagua said.

The DP in a video on his YouTube, received praise from Kenyans for celebrating the life of Njambi.

She was 38.

The late Njambi had been battling Endometriosis, a condition that led to 21 surgeries.

Endometriosis is a gynecological condition associated with menstruation where tissue similar to the lining of the womb develops in other areas of the body, including the fallopian tubes, pelvis, bowel, vagina, and intestines.

Endometriosis is not considered fatal, but in rare instances, it can cause life-threatening complications.

Symptoms include severe to debilitating pain often in the pelvic area, fatigue, and heavy periods.

In rare cases, it can also appear in other parts of the body including the lungs, brain, and skin.

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