Jacky Vike celebrates son's 7th birthday with cute image

• Vike said she made sure she got Mosi everything to do with Spiderman in an era where he only loved the comic book character.

Jacky Vike
Image: Instagram

Jacky Vike is elated as her son, Mosi, celebrates his seventh birthday. She was excited that her son is growing and now a lover of football.

"Siuuuuuuu!!! Can’t keep Calm it’s my son’s 7th Birthday! I can’t believe tumetoka Era ya kupenda Spider man, he’s now more into Football! It’s all he thinks about, He loves Cristiano Ronaldo so much!

It’s his dream to meet him, Namba saba Mgongoni na Namba saba ki Miaka,Sema SabaSaba😁Y’all help me wish Mosi a Happy 7th birthday! I promise Nitamsomea zote!" she said.

Jacky Vike
Jacky Vike

Vike said she made sure she got Mosi everything to do with Spiderman in an era where he only loved the comic book character.

"Niki imagine vile nilikua nang’ang’ana kutafuta vitu za SpiderMan, si socks si vikombe si nguo za kulala etc, nikiingia Soko section ya watoto kitu ya kwanza nauliza ni “Ukona anything ya spiderman?) now here we are he doesn’t even want to look at them, But its a journey I am so proud to be part of ☺️❤️."

Vike has kept Mosi on the low key and has never revealed his face to the public. 

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