Betty Kyallo left blushing after Bena Wa Malines' confession

• The hilarious content creator was one of the prominent guests interviewed by the mom of one on her new show.

Betty Kyallo with Bena Wa Malines
Image: Instagram

Betty Kyallo's return to TV is proving to be quite rewarding. She has been hosting guests who have lavished praise on her and made her feel comfortable after her return to air following a four-year hiatus.

Betty has a wonderful addition to her Friday night segment on TV47. She was joined by content creator Bena Wa Malines as a guest anchor on May 31, where she was left tickled as he summarised his crush on her.

Bena struggled to describe his feelings for her in English, preferring to use Kiswahili with a kamba accent. He gifted her a marching outfit, that comprised his trademark hat and vest.

Her response, laughing and blushing proved to be all he needed to reveal his cute feelings.

"Nime appreciate, nimefeel fiti, one more thing, unajua sijui mbona huni daingi Betty."

"Ati siku dai?"

"Hupendi mazawadi. Ebu guess leo nimecoem na what. Si you guess first, Ona hadi nimecome na matching outfit, Saa uta kataa mtu kaa huyu hadi tuko na matching outfit?"

Betty was left hysterical, as he tried to convince her to go out with him. "Maze na dunga kesho," she promised to share a picture of her wearing the gift.

He refused this suggestion, insisting he wanted more, "Saa ni ku rock tu? Basi tupatane aje," he begged her for attention and time.

"Si nilikuwa na expect," he insinuated to her. Betty tells him she feels sorry for him, "Usilie, hata nakuhurumia, ya ukweli." 

Bena asked her if it was because he was old, she disagreed, "Huja zeeka sana kidogo tu but iko sawa."

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