Kenya's celebrity feuds: Then and Now


•These feuds can take center stage, captivating the public's attention

Star celebrities
Image: Instagram

The Kenyan entertainment industry is a vibrant space filled with talented individuals. But with such passionate personalities, sometimes rivalries can arise.

These feuds can take center stage, captivating the public's attention.

In this piece we'll delve into some of the most talked-about celebrity clashes in Kenya, exploring their origins and where these conflicts stand today.

From Rap Battles to Social Media Shade: Khaligraph Jones and Octopizzo

Khaligraph Jones and Octopizzo are two of Kenya's most prominent rappers, both with distinctive styles and devoted fan bases.

In 2017, a social media spat erupted, with each artist taking lyrical jabs at the other in their music.

While the reasons for the feud remain unclear, it fueled the flames of competition between their camps. Fast forward to 2024, and there seems to be a thawing.

While not exactly collaborating, they've acknowledged each other's talent and appear to have moved on.

Khaligraph Jones x Octopizzo
Image: Instagram

The Silent Unfollows of Jackie Matubia and Milly Chebby

Social media can be a breeding ground for subtle shade, and the relationship between Jackie Matubia and Milly Chebby is a prime example.

Both are successful Kenyan personalities, but in 2023, their social media silence spoke volumes.

Fans noticed the pair had unfollowed each other on various platforms, sparking rumors of a rift.

However, the reason behind the unfollows remains unknown, and neither has publicly addressed it.

Jackie Matubia x Milly Chebby
Image: Instagram

From Baby Showers to Subliminal Swipes: Vera Sidika and Amber Ray

Socialites Vera Sidika and Amber Ray have often been compared for their glamorous lifestyles.

In 2023, their rivalry took a social media turn, with netizens noticing what seemed like subtle digs between the two.

From seemingly similar baby shower themes to social media captions interpreted as shade, it kept fans guessing.

Despite the speculation, there's been no confirmation of a conflict, and both Vera Sidika and Amber Ray appear to be focused on their families.

Vera Sidika x Amber Ray
Image: Instagram

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