Worst advice friend ever gave Kanze Dena involved alcohol

• The famous media personality is one woman who amazes Kenyans with her story of wit, grit and and staying humble after making it.

Kanze Dena
Image: Instagram

Former State House spokesperson Kanze Dena recounted how her friend persuaded her to go to a club after work, leading to her getting drunk.

In an interview about her past life with Parents Magazine, Kanze Dena revealed the worst advice she had ever received from a friend.

She started by setting the stage by explaining how after she finished high school, she had started working as a waitress at a restaurant in Nairobi.

One day after work, facing heavy traffic, her friend suggested they wait it out at a club, leading to an unexpected outcome.

"I had my first Pilsner, then the second, and the third. We found ourselves finishing the whole crate. But I don't drink anymore," she revealed.

Kanze mentioned that she was initially drawn to that particular beer because of its famous TV advertisement, but she had since turned her life around after the Almighty's intervention.

"God redeemed me. Thank you, Jesus," she said.

This isn't the first story that the former Citizen TV anchor has shared that showed her attitude to improving her lot in life be it from a mistake she has made or the cards she has been dealt.

An example of this resilient spirit was the odd jobs she did before her big break on TV.

Immediately after high school, the mom of two worked as a potato peeler at her grandfather’s hotel in Mombasa.

She also worked as a dishwasher and finally a waitress in the same cafeteria.

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