Ambassador Big Ted: America ni Kenya imeenda Private school [Video]


• Big Ted said having been in the United States, he is happy Kenyans are not found in blunders.

Big Ted

Former Kenya's Consul General for Los Angeles Thomas Kwaka popularly known as Big Ted has narrated his experience while he represented Kenya in the US.

During an interview with Mpasho, Big Ted referred to the United States of America as Kenya which went through private school.

"That is the best that I can say. America is not heaven. We have people who are very broke over there and those who look like they are camping," he said.

He said America is not for everyone saying if you go there as an old person you will not make it. 

Big Ted said everything there is all about time and it is a country just like Kenya but with systems. 

"It has more street families than even Nairobi but they have systems. The systems are what we should be fighting for as Kenyans to help our nation," he said.

Big Ted said having been in the United States, he is happy Kenyans are not found in blunders.

He said it is rare to hear people referring to Kenyans as con men in the States.

"One of the things Kenyans are known for is working hard since there are many who make a lot of effort and show their good work," Big Ted said.

He further said that he now seeks to leave behind an inspiring legacy.

Big Ted said he wants to make people believe that they can be the best adding that if his voice can be heard by anybody it can help fuel them to go in a particular direction.

He added that he believes Kenya can take over Africa since it is a very balanced country and Kenyans represent all sectors.

"If I would write a letter to my 17-year-old self I would say believe in yourself, your dream is valid. When I started, people were not doing the things we are doing today. If I believed in myself more I would have been further in life," Big Ted said.

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