Sam West-5 Signs your woman might be cheating on you

• Sam West says women cheat with their emotions.


Sam West

Have you been suspecting your wife/girlfriend of cheating on you?

Well here are signs you can look out for according to motivational speaker Sam West.

Hates accountability

A woman who is cheating on you gets irritated and provoked by questions such as 'Where are you, what are you doing'.

When a woman reacts angrily to such questions, they are guilty.

They confuse accountability with interrogation.

Emotional disconnect

When a man cheats he can cheats he can still maintain his emotions.

However, when a woman cheats they do so with their emotions.

They stop being keen to spend time with you. On the other hand, a man can sleep with his partner and his side chick simultaneously with no remorse.

Discomfort in intimacy

A woman who no longer wants to be intimate with you might be cheating.

If she recoils when you touch her,just know she is no longer yours.

Lifestyle upgrade

She will elevate her looks her lifestyle etc. A woman wants the new man to notice her hence she will go out of her way to look good.

Shift in habits

A woman who is cheating might begin to do things she was not doing before.

It might be going for girl's trips, hitting the gym, going out, coming home late, being disrespectful, etc.

The above signs do not automatically mean your spouse is cheating, but they are signs to look out for



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