Hard drugs ruined my son, Kimani Mbugua's dad sadly shares

• Kimani is a former TV presenter

• His dad believes Kimani was forcefully given drugs as he's grown up in a SDA community and they don't partake in such

Former TV Presenter Kimani Mbugua

      Kimani Mbugua's family has finally come to his aid after weeks of the 28-year-old showcasing erratic and worrying behavior online.

Speaking during an interview with YouTuber, Oga Obinna, Kimani's dad revealed that his son was currently in a safe environment under keen observation and care from family members who were monitoring him.

Touching on his son's mental health issues, the aging entrepreneur pointed out that his Kimani's issues began 4 years ago after his drink was allegedly speaking while he was out celebrating his birthday.

Kimani's dad maintains they had physical evidence detailing the allegation but sadly they lost it.

"He had a bash, ilikuwa birthday yake and it was big. The sister took his phone akapitia akaona picha alikuwa anaanguka akitapika na kuna wasichanna wanampiga.

My daughter said aliona a glass of wine being spiked with white substances, and he was told to drink it, resulting in him vomiting. Na anaambiwa kunywa na anatapika na anaanguka," Kimani's dad told the YouTuber as he attributed the fateful day back in 2020 as the genesis of his son's troubles.

Kimani Mbugua's dad
Image: Courtesy

Kimani's dad went on to add that after a toxicology report had been conducted,they were informed that the former news anchor had high traces of weed in his system as well as a few other hard drugs.

"So I told my daughter if we could consolidate the phone but how it got lost we don't know. We wanted the evidence that was there. We did a toxicology and it was discovered there was Marijuana and other stuffs. I did my investigations and I found out most of his friends were on those things. So I concluded my son was spiked. And the effect, hard drugs," the entrepreneur who owns a Consultancy company stated.

He maintains the discovery really shocked him as their family is SDA and they do not partake in such.

"The girlfriend took him to hospital. I went nikapata amefungwa kamba mkono and anaongea tu. Ilinivunja moyo hadi wa leo. When he saw me he even called me by my real names. That is when i saw darkness during day time,” Kimani's dad shared as he highlighted how they have been trying to get the young once promising man, help for a long while.

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