Pritty Vishy speaks on the challenges of living with a special needs sibling

• The content creator also told netizens to stop trying to give advice to people dealing with people with special needs.

Digital content creator Pritty Vishy
Image: Instagram

Digital content creator, brand influencer and aspiring musician Purity Vishenwa popularly known as Pritty Vishy is highlighting some of the lows she goes through living with her autistic sister.

She has also encouraged the general public to refrain from telling caregivers how they ought to bring up their kids with special needs.

"Umenikasirisha sana, umenivunja moyo, (you have broken my heart.) Today vita ambayo  tutapigana ni ya kimabavu," Vishy could be heard telling her unresponsive small sister.

She went on to have a conversation with someone in the background reporting that on top of the other mistakes she had done, her younger sibling had messed up some of the food in the house which had further infuriated Vishy.

Vishy could be heard saying, "Amemix hiyo mkate na maji, (he has mixed all that bread with water)."

Continuing with her narration and some of the challenges she undergoes living with a kid with disability Pritty cautioned the public against offering unsolicited advice to guardians of autistic and generally special needs children noting people often talk with no experience.

"Someone just bring me pills za pressure because this girl is trying me in all ways. Raising an autistic kid is not a joke," the digital content creator could be heard saying.

"The people always saying, 'Oohh don't hit the kid, no need to beat up the kid, do not do this and that.' It's because they have not tasted bringing up such a child, like a kid with autism. Just let the guardian guide the kid no need to be there telling them ahh don't beat them, don't punish them," added the aspiring musician.

Finishing up she went on to recall a few of the crazy escapades that her small sister has taken them through since the wee hours of the morning.

"Whatever my sister has done today! She woke up at around 4 am and went and messed up the whole kitchen, like I can't even explain it guys, the mess she created. Whatever she has done in that kitchen! That ended

My mom cleaned it up, I honestly couldn't because I was so mad. Afterward, she went to the bathroom and created more mess," a disturbed Vishy narrated as she shared her woes.

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