DJ Mo- Size 8 has washed my boxers for the last 10 years

• She says this doesn't make her a humble wife.

• The couple have been married for more than 10 years.

Size 8 and her husband DJ Mo

Pastor Linet Munyali alis sSize 8 has elicited mixed reactions after admitting to be the one who washes her husband's (DJ Mo) boxers since marriage.

Netizens were divided on why the father of two doesn't wash his own knickers.

In a segment on TV 47,Size 8 clarified that washing Mo's boxers does not qualify her to be a humble wife

"I do wash my husband's boxers since we got married,he has never washed them.It's a physical way of reminding him of who he is it doesn't mean I am a humble wife."

Mo was shocked that other men do not have their boxers washed

"Why are people worried when they hear my boxers are washed for me .They have been washed for 10 years. Your aren't washed? He jokingly asks

Below are 

ndongarick: You must be very disorganised to let your woman clean your boxers. 😂

i_am_marieantoinette: Kwani what’s a washing machine for?

steffiestephie: Mtu mzima huoga alafu anaacha boxers chafu aje sasa

k.i.s.h._._: Hio haina shida😂mi kenye najiulizangaa na sasa zakayo anaoshanga zake ama😂

kanzi_virtue_warrior: Hakuna mtu anashtuka,do what works for you both,,pressure za upuzi tu🙄

teshmango: Some business we don't air it to the world.

emilyckirui: Ouch! hawana washing machine.

Ladies do you/would you wash your man's boxers?

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