Kamene Goro comes clean on pregnancy rumours

• Videos captured during her recent birthday festivities, depicting her difficulties in walking, catalyzed these speculations.

Kamene Goro
Image: Instagram

Former radio personality Kamene Goro has disregarded recent social media gossip surrounding her supposed pregnancy.

In her statement on Sunday, the 32-year-old influencer clarified that speculations about her pregnancy arose due to observations of her walking style.

Videos captured during her recent birthday festivities, depicting her difficulties in walking, catalyzed these speculations.

"Throughout the past week, I've come across numerous comments and rumors about my walking during my birthday, and it consistently leads to the same unfounded conclusion that I'm pregnant. Folks, I initially stated I wouldn't dignify these with a response, but I feel compelled to do so now because these comments lack any foundation and are nonsensical," Kamene expressed via her Instagram account.

While elucidating the cause of her walking challenges, the former radio host stated that it was a result of knee surgery she underwent earlier this year.

Kamene discussed the arduous process of her recovery, noting her prolonged use of crutches.

"Recall that in January, I underwent knee surgery that necessitated a 5-day hospital stay. I've been immobile for quite some time; it was around my birthday when I began attempting to walk without my crutches," she recounted.

She further elaborated, "It's a demanding endeavor to restore mobility and muscle strength in the knee, which is why I walk or appear to walk in an unusual manner. Honestly, it's a very challenging recovery."

In light of the recent pregnancy rumors, Deejay Bonez's wife now urges online users to conduct thorough research and seek clarification before jumping to conclusions.

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