Unique way Rita Tinina's Girls' Squad will honour her during funeral


• During the emotional tributes, one of the girls, Loise, described Rita as the cornerstone of their friendship. 

NTV journalist Rita Tinina
Image: Courtesy

 In honor of Rita Tinina's memory, her friends have pledged to fulfill their Range Rover promise on Wednesday, March 27 at her funeral.

According to Duncan Khaemba who was speaking at her requiem mass held at the Holly Basilica church in Nairobi the girls had planned to go for a road trip in Range Rovers before her untimely death. 

The group, Strong Pillars comprising Rita, Loise, Dorcas Njeri, Judy Gakeni and J Nyaga offered to pay for a Range Rover hearse and travel with Tinina on her final journey to her home in Olokirikirai, Mau Narok as a fulfillment of that promise.

This is at their own expense and not part of the committee’s expenses.

"The girls have offered to fulfill that promise on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. So, the girls will pay for a Range Rover hearse and ride with RT on her final journey to her home in Olokirikirai, Mau Narok.

This is purely at their own cost and not part of the committee's expenditure. It's their goodbye treat for their girl RT," read a communique to her friends and relatives.

A portrait of the late Journalist Rita Tinina during a requiem mass at Holy Family Basilica

During the emotional tributes, Loise, struggling to hold back tears, described Rita as the cornerstone of their friendship.

We have lost a colleague, a mother and a friend. The group standing before you is called Strong Pillars. It is made up of Rita Tinina, Loise, Dorcas Njeri, Judy Gakeni (Judy Wetu) and J Nyaga (JN).

These were the names Rita gave us. She encouraged openness and attentiveness while shunning drama and falsehood. We have eaten together, lifted each other up, and embarked on many journeys.

This Wednesday, we will embark on another journey to Narok – a journey filled with emotions that are difficult to comprehend,” Loise concluded.," Loise relayed.

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