Khaligraph gives fascinating insight about gym journey

• The musician is well-known for his muscly body that he has religiously worked on to get.

Khaligraph Jones
Image: Instagram

The rap maestro Khaligraph Jones hinted that he doesn't always enjoy the daily routine of weightlifting workouts at the gym.

Through an insta story, Khaligraph uploaded a video of himself sitting slumped at the gym, appearing lost in thought, and mentioned that sometimes the gym life gets too tiring.

Jones, who is not only known for his lyrical prowess but also for his sculpted six-pack body earned through rigorous weightlifting, seemed to imply exhaustion with this lifestyle by rhetorically questioning if "God will give us new bodies in heaven?"

"Sometimes this gym life is too exhausting, or will God give us new bodies in heaven?" Jones pondered.

Khaligraph Jones' revelation

However, in the following clip, Jones uploaded a video of himself energetically flexing his muscles, stating that after a short workout session, his body responded well to the exercises.

"My body is now energized," Jones wrote.

The artist has been a topic of discussion in entertainment media due to the lavish mansion he is building.

Jones seemed to embrace the name 'Zetech' for his mansion, which some Kenyans compared to the appearance of Zetech University.

Speaking in a previous interview, Jones mentioned that he noticed the jokes on social media and stated that such comments about his project don't bother him as he aims to show people that artistry pays off despite many claiming that Kenyan music is on the decline.

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