Lessons Goat wives can get from side chicks- Sam West

• Goat wives refer to women who are officially married.

• Side chicks refer to young women who date married men for different reasons among them financial stability.

Motivational speaker Sm West

A lot of wives are losing their husbands to side chicks.

The big question is why. 

According to motivational speaker Sam West, here are lessons Goat Wives can learn from side chicks.

Do not nag

 Proverbs 27:15 says

'A nagging wife is as annoying as a constant dripping during a rainy day."

According to Sam rather than nag, try and talk to your partner and solve issues amicably.

Praise your man

Your man might not be perfect but praising him should be something you do every once in a while.

Praising them helps elevate the esteem of your man.

Notice your man, regard him, and praise him.

Give him Peace

Sit down and ask yourself if you are bringing peace into your home or not. 

If you are always nagging maybe it's time for you to tone it down.

Listen and pamper their men

A man might have things he wants to offload, side chicks listen attentively.

Maybe you can learn to do the same.

Not jealous nor possessive

Being possessive leads to an obsession. You do not have to be jealous just because you are in a relationship with someone.

Side chicks are more fun

Be open to trying new things as long as no one is harmed in the process.

Dress well, smell good always.

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