Kenyans raise over sh7.3 million to assist Brian Chira's family

• Organisers of the fundraiser have indicated that they will use the funds to build a house for the deceased's grandmother, as some individuals have already volunteered to cover funeral expenses.

Brian Chira
Image: Instagram

Funds collected for the burial of TikToker Brian Chira surpassed over Sh7.3 million on the third day of online fundraising conducted across social media platforms.

TikToker Baba Talisha, leading the fundraiser, revealed on Friday night that Sh7,330,854 had been raised at that time. The fundraising is still ongoing through paybill 8056605 #Brian.

Friends, fans, and social media users have demonstrated great generosity over the past three days since the account was opened to aid the late Chira's family.

Organisers of the fundraiser have indicated that they will use the funds to build a house for the deceased's grandmother, as some individuals have already volunteered to cover funeral expenses.

In a Thursday night update, TikToker Baba Talisha disclosed that Sh5,007,799 had been raised at that time. This was approximately 48 hours after the fundraising account was opened.

In another update, he revealed plans to build a two-bedroom house for Chira's grandmother using the raised funds since it was the late Chira's wish to gift the caretaker a house.

"It's happening. At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen. Isaiah 60:22," Baba Talisha wrote in a memorial video of Chira discussing building a house for his grandmother.

Earlier, another TikTok user had volunteered to cover all funeral expenses for Chira, amounting to over Sh800,000.

Singer KRG the Don had also facilitated the transfer of his body to Kenyatta University mortuary and pledged to be part of the funeral arrangements.

Earlier this week, the burial planning committee announced that the body of TikToker Brian Chira would be buried on Tuesday, March 26.

Baba Talisha mentioned that the former Kabarak University student would be buried at his grandmother's home after the funeral service held in the area where the caretaker has been residing in Githunguri, Kiambu County.

"The service will be held where his grandmother has been living because there is ample space, and people will fit. It's a very nice place, you will see," Baba Talisha said.

He stated that mourners would first gather at Kenyatta University Mortuary where the deceased's body is stored before proceeding to the burial site.

Viewing of the body will take place at the mortuary at twelve noon, followed by a brief funeral service before mourners head to the main service at the Githunguri location.

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