Jackie Matubia announces major career move

• The mom of two made the proclamation a few days after her trip to Malaysia with her friend Kate Actress.

Actress Jackie Matubia is in a celebratory mood following the unveiling of a YouTube series. The series dubbed Toxic will premiere on April 17 on her YouTube channel.  

The actress had just returned from a trip to Malaysia and indicated she was expecting to announce a major move in her career.

On Friday she revealed she was attending several meetings, and would not be resting.

"Just got back home and what av been working on is finally up. Av seen the picture and av just felt emotional sorry for my ugly cry," she shared her state of mind.

While shedding tears she added, "What I've been working for for the past month or so is finally up. So guys let me get ready and come along with me as I show you. Let me tell you something, let me tell you something people, it does not matter the situation you are in it does not matter the battles you're fighting.

If you have a dream work for it. You'll be surprised by the way that people close to you are the ones making you fight those battles. Imagine the people you call friends, the people you call family, are the ones who don't want you to succeed."


"So shut the noise and work. Let me tell you it does not have to make sense to anyone It only has to make sense to you. And if it makes sense to you and God keeps pushing you to doing it ...

God I'm so excited. So come along, come along as I show you guys what I've been working on and it's finally up it's finally time to share with you."

She also hinted at what it took for her to create this series

"Äv invested everything I got for this project and I thank God I made it. I have fought so many battles av been called so many names! But I trusted God's word...He will create a table Infront of your enemies One day I will tell my story," she triumphantly declared.

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