7 Signs that prove you are desperate for love- Sam West

• Sam West has advised people not to let desperation lead them to make bad decisions.

• Desperation can make one ignore red flags even when they are right in their faces.

Sam West

In modern-day society, it is easy to become desperate to find love.

Motivational speaker Sam West has shared 7 signs that point out you are desperate.

Ignoring red flags

When one is in love, it is easy to ignore red flags hoping someone will change.

In worst-case scenarios, such ignorance leads to one being mistreated and disrespected.

Prioritizing others over you

Self-love is important but one thing people who are desperate for love do is not put themselves first.

Such people will do anything to make the other person happy even if it costs them their peace.

Changing yourself to fit in

Changing or making yourself unsee to suit the other person is one sign of desperation.

Accepting Mistreatment

We have seen people who are cheated on over and over again, beaten up, abused financially but they still stay.

Being overly clingy

There is a difference between being in love and being Clingy.

Clingy people fear losing their crushes to other people and assume by being clingy they will win their love.

Excessive gifts and favors

The truth is money cannot buy love.

Some people think by lavishing their crushes with money and gifts, they will end up falling in love with them.

Settling for less

The biological clock especially in women makes them fall prey to settling for less.

This is because the society has certain standards and expectations of women at different stages in their lives.

They are expected to excel in school, get married, have kids, and grow old.

This makes some people both men and women desperate.

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