Why Kenyans are always swindled by agencies for jobs abroad - Jimmy Gait

• Gait has a list of things you should cross check before leaving Kenya for jobs in Saudi Arabia 

jimmy gait
jimmy gait

Seeking jobs abroad, especially in Saudi Arabia comes with lots of controversies.

Musician Jimmy Gait who works with agencies has highlighted why Kenyans are swindled.

"Every Industry has a good side and a bad side. It's you to choose where you want to be," he began his explanation.

"I also have a name to protect. My experience has been amazing I have learnt alot and so my vast knowledge of international jobs and many Kenyans get taken advantage of by some of the agencies. There are good agencies, but there's corruption in Kenya. 

"There are good government and bad government people. As much as we have good agencies, we also have bad agencies that mess up People that take people for a ride,".

He cited the case of a family that sent their daughter to Dubai 

"She still hasn't gotten a job, and we paid x amount of money, and is frustrated. I asked them how much did you pay. We paid 180k. So why doesn't she have a job? Because if she paid she should be having a contract. If you pay you must get a contract. Many people dont understand how these things go"

Gait explained how Kenyans are taken advantage of

"These jobs are in categories. There are free jobs. The Saudi Arabia jobs for househelps are free. You don't pay for your passport, or training, it's free. That's the only job that is free" he shared

Here is how these jobs are secured. 

"Agencies travel to Dubai, Australia, the US, etc, and go around looking for jobs, and contracts. That costs alot of money. By the time you are signing a contract to get employees from Kenya, you have already spent alot of money as an agent. Some of these companies ask you to deposit some money as security. That you can actually deliver. These agencies abroad are very big they dont want to work with agencies that can't deliver. Delivering people is not easy. So there is alot that is involved"

Here is the reason that you pay for such jobs.

"To take care of costs such as Visas, air tickets, the processing costs, to pay for their offices.

"Let's be realistic you can't be helping people get jobs, they go make money, but you are not making anything out of it. You are a business. But there's a very thin line between a business that exploits people and a business that helps people"

How do you know you are being taken advantage of? He says a good business quotes figures that are reasonable.

"Like if you are going to Qatar and someone tells you to pay Sh300k, I mean it doesn't add up. If you are getting a salary of Sh70k, and someone is asking you for Sh150k, then it makes sense. In two months you will recover your money," he argued.

"That includes air ticket, processing costs, visa and them finding you that job."

He says you should have a signed contract, and know which company is going to employ you, and where you will be living, "That is the value you also have to pay for. Most people are not educated on how these things work."

"If you are going to Australia and getting a salary of Sh500k, it's okay for you to pay let's say Sh350k inclusive of air ticket,".

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