Jowie Irungu's ex-gf posts curious message hours after guilty verdict

• The 2 dated for a while shortly after his release from prison back in 2020.

Jowie Irungu and Eleanor Musangi in the past before they broke up
Image: Instagram

Following her ex, Jowie Irungu, being found guilty of Monica Kimani's murder, model Eleanor Musangi made a curious post on her Instastories which read,

"With God, everything remains the same #possible."

Eleanor Musangi's post
Image: Instagram

In 2021, Eleanor also known as Micabella shared a cryptic message directed at her detractors, asserting her strength as a woman.

This came after she had publicly declared that her much derided 'divine marriage' to Jowie had ended.

Despite this, she stated that she refused to dwell on self-pity and is focused on her own resilience.

Taking to Instagram at the time, she said, "I (Eleanor Musangi) am a strong woman. I don’t sit around feeling sorry for myself, nor let people mistreat me.

I don’t respond to people who dictate to me or try to bring me down. If I fall, I will rise even stronger because I am a survivor and not a victim. I am in control of my life, and there is nothing I can’t achieve."

In another post, she confronted disloyal friends, labeling them as 'Snakes':

"Snakes don't hiss anymore... they call you love, babe, sis, bro. These so-called 'friends' in my life only know to ask for financial support or inquire about job opportunities.

They update me on gossip or, once I become national headlines, they quickly ask me stupid questions. I have marked you, and your days are numbered.

I will embarrass you to your face and the world. If you come to me again like that, saying, 'Ella, you are this... Ella, you are that,' come... I am waiting."

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