Ciru Muriuki's heartfelt never-before-seen photo with late Charles Ouda

• Ciru and the late Charles had gotten engaged 6 months ago surprising many Kenyans.

Ciru Muriuki with her late fiance Charles Ouda
Image: Instagram

Media personality Ciru Muriuki is in mourning after the demise of her fiancé, Charles Ouda, also known as Charlie.

While grieving privately, Ciru shared a cherished moment captured before Charlie's passing, expressing the depth of her loss.

The shared photo depicted a happy and content Ciru lying on Charlie's chest, displaying her engagement ring.

In the image, Charlie held Ciru with one hand while taking a selfie with the other, showcasing the love they shared.

Alongside the photo, Ciru added a broken heart emoji, symbolizing the emotional pain she felt after Charlie's death.

The late Charles Ouda with Ciru Muriuki
Image: Instagram

A few days before Charlie's demise, the couple enjoyed a sweet moment together during a stroll in an undisclosed city location.

Charlie shared a video of their walk, humorously questioning the circumstances leading to their accomplishment.

Ciru responded playfully, asking if there was something they both knew, and Charlie insisted it was just a casual stroll.

Their banter continued, with Ciru expressing, "@charlesjouda Sawa then I am casually deceased."

Interestingly in a post from November 2023, the late Ouda had shared a video posing the question, "Would you rather be black and live to a hundred? Or white and live to 50?"

In response, he expressed his preference to be black, stating, "I mean, I'm halfway there, I got 60 more years, but so I'll take it."

In the video's caption, Ouda mentioned being in a place where he truly appreciated the grey in his beard. He looked forward to the coming years, wondering if he would witness humans walk on the moon again (or Mars).

Ending on a light note, he referred to his old self and sent positive vibes to his colleagues, praising their achievements.

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