Kenyans react to Jacque Maribe and Jowie Irungu's rulling

Justice Grace Nzioka said on Friday that all this evidence leaves a strong conclusion that Irungu murdered Monica Kimani

Jackie Maribe and Jowie Irungu at Milimani Law Courts on February 9, 2024.

Joseph Irungu aka Jowie has been found guilty of the murder of Monicah Kimani which happened in 2018. Jacque Maribe who was the second accused has been acquitted.

Justice Grace Nzioka said on Friday that;

"All this evidence leaves a strong conclusion that Irungu murdered Monica Kimani," she said.

"The prosecution has proved beyond a reasonable doubt."

Check out Kenyans' reactions on X;

Tonny Otieno: While the verdict brings a sense of closure to the tragic event,it brings back the memories of the victim and the loss suffered by her loved ones. We believe you've been served the justice and to the Jowie's family,our thoughts are with you as you navigate through this difficult time. Jackie all the best as you pick up your career.

IamCKKariuki: 😢😢😢 may the lord give Joseph Irungu strength to serve his term in wisdom and reflection. None of us are perfect. We've done mistakes, "small or big" and we live by God's grace. Justice is served but may God prevail for all affected in this case

M Urigi: Another day to remind you damu ya mtu inaliliangajustice

Silas Obera: Boychild pole.. But murder is can't be excused or forgiven

Alex Mugendi: Let the court leave no stone unturned

Brian Oduor: Justice has been finally served may Monica's soul rest in eternal peace.....and may the Almighty God provide solace ti her family members to bear the lose of their dear daughter at the hand of a fellow human being

Japrado: Dear God, after Jowie and Jackie: May the corridors of justice never forget the death or Dr Laban Lang'at. We need his murder to be solved and the perpetrators brought to book.

Nyasikera: From Judge Grace Nzioka proceedings in Jacque Maribe, Jowie in the Monica Kimani murder: 1. Language mastery is a measure of intelligence 2. Drink water (Amerix student?) 3. Keep your stuff safe-ID, phone & gun 4. The police and prosecution did a good job

Etwang Offivisl: Jacque Maribe is ready for the next appointment. Mark this tweet.

Odanga Olanda: Knowing people, not just people, but people of status can at times buy you freedom. Am not talking about Jacque Maribe. I could be talking of Rotich or sonko. Monica(rip) can now sleep well wherever she is

Jimmyelito: The prosecution has proved beyond reasonable doubtEric Omondi and Itumbi have their baby mama back

Rhebetikak: Let's embrace life kila mtu aachwe aishi. Why should you kill someone yet you want to enjoy free live out here🤔 it's painfu

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