'Niliambia daughter dad aligongwa na train!' Mulamwah's ex Carrol Sonie says in toxic baby mama challenge

• The ex-couple has had a long-standing beef ever since they broke up under contentious circumstances 2 years ago.

Mulamwah with Carrol-Sonie in the past
Image: Instagram

In a YouTube video uploaded on February 5, Carrol Sonie indirectly but unequivocally addressed Mulamwah's much-derided "I'm a baby daddy" TikTok challenge, responding to the accusations of being a toxic baby mama.

Acknowledging the label placed on her, Carrol gave her own perspective, providing insights that touched on various aspects mentioned by Mulamwah in his video.

She openly admitted to blocking her ex, even if he resorted to using a pseudo account, and even shocked many when she revealed what she might have told her daughter about her father's whereabouts.

"Of course am a toxic baby mama. Ex akinitext na pseudo account ati ana nimiss, hata hiyo nablock. Am a toxic baby mama, Keilah is not my 'kid', ataendelea kumwonea online.

Of course am a toxic baby mama, A Kikuyu to be precise. Am a toxic baby mama, niliambia my daughter her dad aligongwa na train akiwa kazi ya reli. Am a toxic baby mama, mimi ndo hupea baby daddy content, he can't do without me," she said.

Mulamwah had earlier on sparked considerable attention on social media with his participation in a viral TikTok challenge.

In his video, set on a tree plantation, the comedian expressed frustration over society viewing him as the problem in his role as a baby daddy.

He shared the challenges he faced, particularly in connecting with his child, revealing that he only got to see the child online due to being blocked by his baby mama.

"Of course, I am a baby daddy in Kenya; everybody thinks I am the problem. I am a baby daddy in Kenya, all baby mamas hate me. Please, Auntie, I am not the one who impregnated you. I am a baby daddy in Kenya, the child was told I died last year.

"I am a baby daddy in Kenya. When I thrive, you say I am making my ex suffer. I am just living my life. Soi should not marry? I am a baby daddy in Kenya I only see the child online.

I am a baby daddy in Kenya. I am still planning myself because I know there is a day I will be needed. I am a baby daddy in Kenya, and I have been blocked. I am a baby daddy in Kenya, nobody is going to trust me, but it is okay," he had said.

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