Bensoul accused of misleading youths following his 'weed' remarks


•Bensoul states that there is no single case that has been reported that he is aware of, that states the person went mad because of the use of marijuana and further goes to explain the medicinal effects the drug has.

Image: Instagram

Singer and songwriter Bensoul has been accused of misleading youths over his recent interview where urges that weed does not make people crazy but the mixture of other drugs is what causes this.

In the interview, Bensoul states that there is no single case that has been reported that he is aware of, that states the person went mad because of the use of marijuana and further goes to explain the medicinal effects the drug has. 

"I've never seen anybody go crazy because of weed,  and it's never been recorded anywhere. most of the guys wenye wanachizingi it's because of other drugs wanashikaniza nazo and weed is the first drug they blame it on.

And whoever made it illegal they were doing it on political terms they were trying to oppress black people, I feel like most of the countries have discovered that they've just been putting like a blind eye to it, legalizing it has helped many countries in terms of economic, look like Canada, yoh, tumelalia pesa yetu." Bensoul remarked. 

His remarks have been refuted by a few of the celebrities as they accused him of being ignorant and giving misleading information. 

"Bensoul should stop misleading the youth. say no to drugs not unless it's prescribed, I don't think marijuana, or any drug for that matter should be encouraged with all our youths know the limits # say no to drugs. Not unless prescribed. " Melina Gold refuted.

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"This is ignorant ***. people have gone mad coz of smoking weed without using other drugs. if you are underinformed, don't misinform those who follow you. I wish artists would use their platforms to speak some sense sometimes

#saynotodrugs. As someone who's been an addiction counselor in various facilities, I wish he would just shut up and educate himself. " Baby_ras stated.

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"Marijuana has medicinal value which can not be explored given that it is illegal in Kenya. it can be made legal for medicinal purposes to pave the way for research... 

However, we should not ignore the other side of its abuse. induced psychosis is real..." Public figure Bravin Yuri shared. 

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