Jackie Matubia: Marriage is not a scam


• The actress elaborated that regardless of her being in two unsuccessful serious relationships, she is not bitter about it.

Jackie Matubia
Image: Instagram

Actress Jackie Matubia in a recent video despite her two failed marriages advised that marriage is not a scam, and ladies should not settle for less. 

Jackie advised that in as much as society looks down on single mothers, the mothers are no less than any other woman or girl and therefore should not be viewed as less. 

"I'm a very proud mother of two and I feel like society....you diminish mothers and single mothers. I am no less than any other woman, or any other girl out there."

The mother two also advised single mothers to invest in loving themselves and their kids first before allowing any man to love them.

The award-winning thespian also urged that this advice should go to all women regardless. 

"I am a proud mother of two girls and my focus right now is on my babies and building an empire for them cause hao hawatakutoka na hakitakuramba. 

Jackie also elaborated that regardless of her being in two unsuccessful marriages, she is not bitter about it and she is still a believer.

The actress talked about how marriage is a beautiful institution and anyone advising that it's a scam is misleading, and ladies should not settle for less. 

I want to teach my girls that it's fine if marriage ikikukataa, that's not the end of the world. marriage is amazing, marriage is a beautiful institution by the way. msiwai ambiwa its a scam. marriage is a beautiful institution. but again I say communication.

Respect those are things that you can't play alone with, it has to be a two-way traffic. So if your partner is not giving you, please don't settle for less."

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Jackie Matubia
Jackie Matubia
Jackie Matubia
Jackie Matubia