Sam West: 7 ways couples unknowingly push their spouses to cheat

• Sam West says it is important to evaluate your contributions in a relationship before blaming your partner.

Sam West

In modern-day society cases of couples cheating have increased. Sadly no one takes the blame when such things happen.

Motivational speaker cum businessman Sam West has shared 7 ways couples unknowingly push each other to cheat.

They are:

1. Distance

It is important to pursue to stay together.

Being away from each other isn't healthy as some people might end up seeking solace elsewhere to beat 'boredom'.

Although in some instances it is not possible to live together (work, school), try as much as you can to be together.

2. Emotional neglect

You might be in a relationship but you feel lonely, this might make you end up seeking solace elsewhere.

Emotional support is important to both men and women. the relationship.

Do not assume your partner is emotionally satisfied just because you are present in 

3. Financial challenges

According to Sam, understanding that finances are spiritual and that they are given by God is one way to solve your financial challenges.

It is also important to remember that it is God who gives you the power to create wealth.

4. Pain and Trauma

Not dealing with trauma can ruin a relationship as some people are always angry.

They may be angry at whoever wronged them but such anger is poured on you.

It is important to seek help and allow yourself to heal before getting into a relationship.

5. Sex deprivation

Denying your partner sex is like encouraging them to go and have it elsewhere.

6. Spiritual deficit

It's important for couples to stop focusing on the flesh while ignoring their spiritual nourishment. This only makes one fall for sexual immorality, jealousy, division, and envy among other things.

7. Wrong Company

It is said 'Show me your friends and I will show you who are.' It is important to make friends who help you grow as bad company ruins good morals.

We have seen people join alcoholism, drugs, and womanizing courtesy of their friends.

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