Brown Mauzo, Nyashinski address January Femicide horror

• The country has witnessed a wave of murders of women that has left many Kenyans in shock.

Femicide march
Image: Mpasho

The Saturday, Jan 27th march in Nairobi to protest the rise in killings of women saw scores of famous men come out personally to join in or add their voices online.

Singer Brown Mauzo and Nyashinski are the latest to take to their respective platforms to advocate for an end to violence against women.

On Monday, Jan 29, Nyashinski wrote;

"It is tragic to keep reading about our women being murdered. seems like almost every week. How very sad and shameful to live in a society where women don't feel safe anymore. My heart goes out to the families of all the victims of these heinous murders. It has to stop. As a Kenyan, I can only hope they get justice. Stop killing our women," read his statement.

nyashinski femicide
nyashinski femicide

Mauzo, weighed in as well noting that relationships are taking a sour turn.

"Dear fellow men," he began in a note addressing the state of affairs

"Love is a living thing and if not watered the relationship will eventually die. Let's all accept the outcome if she feels things are not working between the two of you and she doesn't want to continue with the relationship no more."

"The girls that are being killed are someone's daughter someone's sister someone's mother etc. Let's stop he killings. ..STOP KILLING WOMEN," he ended.

brown mauzo femicide
brown mauzo femicide

Hundreds of women turned up in the city this past weekend, carrying placards with messages reading #STOPKILLINGUS, #ENDFEMICIDE, #WEJUSTWANTTOLIVE, indicating their frustration with recent events.

Several male celebrities came out as well calling on their peers to speak up boldly and loudly against femicide.

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