8 major lessons to draw from celebrity breakups

• The online discussion suggests that there is social media pressure to maintain appearances, prompting a need for a paradigm shift in the institution of marriage.

Sam West says one should not be quick to dump their partner because they cheated.
Heartbreak. Sam West says one should not be quick to dump their partner because they cheated.
Image: Photo for class

The beginning of the year has brought many celebrity marriages into the spotlight.

From Film Director Phil Karanja clarifying the repossession of his ex-wife's car to Gospel singer Mr. Seed apologizing for Polygamy remarks, and actor Pascal Tokodi's rumoured breakup with Grace Ekirapa, there are numerous lessons for Kenyans to learn.

The online discussion suggests that there is social media pressure to maintain appearances, prompting a need for a paradigm shift in the institution of marriage.

Here are some lessons to draw:

  1. Don't expect perfection: Often, we anticipate that our spouse will bring us happiness. However, it's crucial to bring our own happiness into the relationship and allow the other person to contribute to it.

  2. Redefine success in relationships: Society often perceives celebrities as the epitome of marital success. Perhaps we can find inspiration from different sources, as many Kenyans are now questioning the authenticity of marriages flaunted online.

  3. Being in the limelight exposes marriage cracks: Celebrity status can highlight the flaws in a marriage more than others.

  4. Duration doesn't determine marriage value: The length of a marriage doesn't necessarily reflect its worth.

  5. Prioritize well-being and joy over expectations: Many Kenyans advocate for leaving, especially in cases of conflicts. They argue that being alone is better than returning to one's parents in a box.

  6. Everyone breaks up differently: There is no right or wrong way to break up. Some breakups are acrimonious, while others are mutually acceptable. Some choose to expose their ex-spouses, revealing private feuds.

  7. Curiosity about celebrity breakups: People are eager to know the details of celebrity breakups, as it somehow makes them feel better about their own lives, seeing even those upheld to higher standards face failures.

  8. Even the most secure marriages have deep-seated issues: It's a reminder that challenges exist in all marriages, regardless of how secure they may seem.

This is an opinion piece and the views expressed are the writer's own.

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